

I was so excited to work with Stylist Francine Spencer! Obviously I loved her style, but also her sense of humour, her poise and elegant manner. In her own words, she is a fashion obsessed, beauty loving stylista, mommy to a beautiful and intelligent teenage daughter and a devout advocate for empowering women.

Keep reading to get Francine's 7 Tips for Shopping Responsibly!



  1. ANALYZE YOUR CLOSET TO SEE EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE PRIOR TO GOING SHOPPING: This way you will avoid spending money unnecessarily to purchase something that you already have or similar; it makes no sense.

  2. CREATE A BUDGET AND STICK TO IT: If you plan on spending $100 on new clothes, do just that. Having a budget will help you in the long run and your bank account will thank you for it.


3. DO YOUR RESEARCH: Check for store promotions and sales prior to heading out. You’d be surprised how much money you can save if you do your research and are patient. It’s not a bad idea to sign up for your favourite store’s newsletters so you are informed of their in-store and online promotions. From experience; I find that most stores have online promotions during the week and in store promotions on the weekend.

4. TAKE THE TIME TO TRY THINGS ON: This will save you precious time and eliminate the hassle of returns and exchanges. This is also very important if you shop at varying stores as the sizes may differ depending on the brand. You may wear a size 12 in one brand and a 16 in the another. So I suggest going shopping when you have the time.


5. IMPULSE OR EMOTIONAL SHOPPING SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST: If you do this, you’re breaking all the foregone rules and you’re asking for trouble. Yes, we all deserve retail therapy every once in a while. But we certainly need to ensure we are being rational, practical and responsible about it.

6. BUY CLASSIC & QUALITY PIECES: I promise you if you do this, you will maximize your wardrobe options. Quality clothes will last you longer and they will look and feel good. Spending a little extra on good quality pieces will save you money in the long run. Someone once told me when I was much younger: "it’s better to buy good once than crappy twenty times.” That has always resonated with me ever since I was young and I always consider that whenever I’m making purchases, especially when It comes to purchasing clothes. I want my clothes to last for a very long time and still be wearable a few years down the road. So I purchase my clothes based on quality and not so much on price.

7. LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST! Ask yourself this question, IS THIS A WANT OR A NEED? I’ve been plagued with the FOMO spell before and felt as though if I don’t buy a certain item I will be missing out. But I’ve since then taken a more responsible approach when it pertains to shopping. I’m an avid online shopper, so what I usually do is create a wish list and save the items that I really love. I will then come back to view the wish list at a later date. I may feel differently about a particular item and then remove it from my list. Before you know it, I’m only left with one or two items that I really like. By the end of it, I realized that I only wanted the items and there was never a real need for them.

I promise you, if you incorporate these rules you’ll become a pro-shopper in no time!


Brand Recipe

Colors: pink!, white, blue + green

WOW factor: a pink tulle skirt ordered especially for the photoshoot! a Stylist knows how to dress well, but it's great to have one outfit that has a major WOW factor!

Props: white boxes with Style Associate logo + a clothing rack was a must

Why we loved working with Francine: she is super funny! she also has a very easy-going nature and trusted me fully as a photographer, which made my work very easy!

You can find Francine HERE

Want to find out more? Book a phone consultation HERE!

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